Finance Solution Center

Choose the equipment you need and the financing you want!

Working Together
For You

IntegDental and OnePlace Capital provide no-hassle financing.

  • Simple interest loans through an Equipment Finance Agreement
  • Flexible terms and financing options
    (may include sales tax, installation, training, etc.)
  • No pre-payment penalties, hidden fees or unexpected costs
  • Fast, simple application process – online, phone or fax
  • Easy to understand and straight-forward documentation

As a direct lender, we'll work with you from application to funding to payments – for the entire term of your loan.

How does it work?

Equipment financing doesn't have to be hard. Let us prove it to you.

Our process is simple and fast. We structure financing to fit your needs. Complete a one-page credit application and typically, in under an hour, receive a credit response.

Financing Questions?
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